⚫ 所有報價均包含隧道通行費和橋樑費(如適用)。如果隧道通行費和橋樑費增加,保留提高價格的權利。
⚫ 不含門票費和停車費
⚫ 每額外增加停靠站需加收港幣 150.00附加費。多於 兩個額外站點或額外站點位於不同地區將按“租用”服務收費。
⚫ 市區等候超過15分鐘需加收HK$300/小時附加費
⚫ 機場等候超過60分鐘需加收HK$300/小時附加費
⚫ 00:00-07:00 期間提供服務需加收 HK$150.00 附加費
⚫ 黑色期間提供服務需加收HK$1,000.00附加費八號或以上暴雨或颱風信號
⚫ 取消須於預訂時間前12小時提出
⚫ 逾期取消將收取全額費用
⚫ 需於預訂時間前12小時進行修改
⚫ 逾期修改需加收港幣400元附加費
Terms and Conditions
(for single trip transfer only):
⚫ All price quoted are inclusive of tunnel toll & bridge fee when applicable. We reserve the right to increase the price should the tunnel toll & bridge fee increase.
⚫ Gate charges and Parking fee are exclusive
⚫ A surcharge of HK$150.00 will be added for each extra “En-Rout” stop. Single way transfer with more than (2) two extra stops or with extra(s) stop located at different area will be charged as “On-Hire” service.
⚫ A surcharge of HK$300/hour will be added for waiting over 15mins at Urban Area
⚫ A surcharge of HK$300/hour will be added for waiting over 60mins at Airport
⚫ A surcharge of HK$150.00 will be added for service provided between 00:00-07:00
⚫ A surcharge of HK$1,000.00 will be added for service provided during Black Rainstorm or Typhoon Signal No.8 or above
⚫ Cancellation should be made 12 hours before the booked time
⚫ Full charge will be imposed on late cancellation
⚫ Amendment should be made 12 hours before the booked time
⚫ A surcharge of HK$400 will be added for late amendment
This is to confirm that the vehicles provided by Regent Limousine Ltd. possess a Hire Car Permit and hence, have entered into an Insurance Contract as required by law. All claims for damages or causalities involving the vehicles provided by Regent Limousine Ltd. for the purpose of providing hire car services should channel via Regent Limousine Ltd. which will, without delay, relay the claim(s) to the Insurer. The Insurer as in all cases, is liable for indemnification in accordance to the legally binding Insurance Contract.